Thursday, March 6, 2008

Meeting Minutes for March 4th, 2008

Attendance: Byron Thomas, Sarah Storrs, Bob Wagner, Mark Grassel, Wayne Weidert, Dick Wedin, and Cindy Preston

Treasurer Report Dues account balance & Project account balance. We currently have one outstanding bill for an eye exam and glasses.

Club Projects

1. Mint Sales:
Bob indicated it was a slow time of year. Discussion centered around recognizing those businesses who allow us to have mint sales. Also, it would be beneficial if we had “stickers” on the mint boxes notifying the public on who to contact about the Ellensburg Lions Club. Moved and seconded to put “club” stickers on the mint boxes and to give each business hosting our mint sales a Certificate of Appreciation. Sarah will draft the sticker and Certificate.

2. Sight and Hearing Committee:
Sarah reported one approval letter was sent for eye exam & glasses. Sarah reported she has been working with Ellensburg School District school nurses to organize the Eye Site Foundation mobile van and sight screenings at our local public schools. Dates for 2008 dependent upon coordinating with Marge Sheperd, West Valley Lions, who has reserved 10 day this coming fall…Sarah will see what dates are available to have the van here around that 10 day period and the Foundation if there are any cancellations this fall. The club will put a bid in this fall to the Foundation for 2009.

Bob delivered to Zone 2 ½ boxes of glasses while attending the Cabinet meeting last week. Dick will pick up the other box of glasses from Sarah’s office so they can be delivered to Amigos via Becca Flemming when she is here on spring break from Pacific University.

Old Business

1. February 26th Planning Meeting:
Reviewed meeting minutes and work done. Discussion included that actions identified will take some time to implement but to start club improvements ASAP. We agreed to continue discussion on the work plan at our second meeting in March.

New Business

1. Guest Speakers & Program Suggestions & Scheduling.
Sarah sent an e-mail with some suggestions as to potential future programs. There was consensus that the first meeting of each month be dedicated to club business and the second meeting dedicated to informative programs and guest speakers. Club members are encouraged to suggest interesting subjects and informative speakers for future programs. The club will try to maintain a 3 month program schedule.

2. Member Survey Report.
Sarah indicated she got a hold of her list of contacts…the general conclusion is: Conflicting work schedule for the first Tuesday of each month (noon meetings), and that the club has poor attendance and meetings are not interesting…. Mark will contact his list for concerns and improvements. Concerns expressed confirm issues identified at the February 26 planning meeting, hence further discussions on improving club meetings, recruitment, club programs at our second meeting in March.

3. Dues 2008.
Dues for Lions have been $65.00 for several years…which at the planning meeting was expressed as being low. With monthly programs and guest speakers, an increase cost to the Dues Account to pay for lunches, it was moved and seconded to increase 2008 dues to $75.00. The additional $10.00 should help pay for one program speaker per month.

4. New Meeting Date, Time & Location.
Deferred any action until Mark has a chance to contact his list of members for input, the topic will be a discussion item at our March 14th meeting

5. Ellensburg Lions Club Blog site.
Sarah reported she has created a blog site for the club. You can access the site at: Thank you Sarah. Take a look, it is a great site with great potential and service to the club with your help and participation.

Coming Events

a. White Cane Days: May 2, 3, 4
b. MD 19 Convention, May 23 & 24, Yakima, Yakima Convention Center
c. Indian John Hill Rest Stop, August 1st – 4th, Eastbound

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting: March 18th, noon, Palace Restaurant.

Respectfully submitted,

Dick Wedin

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