Friday, March 28, 2008

Meeting Minutes for March 18th, 2008

Attendance: Byron Thomas, Sarah Storrs, Bob Wagner, Wayne Weidert, Dick Wedin, Bob Titus, and Cindy Preston.

Guests: Liz Whittaker

Treasurer Report. Dues account balance & Project account balance
Outstanding Eye Exams/Frames: One

Club Projects

1. Mint Sales.
Bob indicated we have mint sale boxes at Yakima Federal, Bar 14, Valley Vision, and two boxes with Family Eye Clinic. Sarah printed out and handed over to Bob Certificate of Appreciation to be given to businesses who support our mint sales. Bob may have frames for Certificates.

2. Sight and Hearing Committee.
No new applications for exams or frames. Sarah indicated the Hearing and Sight Foundation Screening Unit is fully booked for 2008. The club will make a bid this fall for 2009. Sign up time is usually in October.

Byron shared with the group that he and others have been working in developing the Vision for Independent Center for low income patients in Yakima. The Yakima Lions Club provided $10,000.00 seed money to get the Center going. There probably will be 6 to 12 patients a month utilizing the Center.

Old Business

1. February 26th Planning Meeting Review & Action Plan. No discussion.

2. New Meeting Location & Times.
After considerable amount of discussion and review of the blog vote, it was moved, seconded and approved to change the Ellensburg Lions Club month meeting dates to the second and fourth Tuesdays, noon, to be held at Rodeo City BBQ starting with the second meeting in May. We will need to change meeting date signs at both I-90 interchanges.

3. Guest Speakers & Program Suggestions & Scheduling.
Bob will get a hold of Marge Sheperd to be our guest speaker for the second meeting in April…April 15. She will discuss with the group programs and available opportunities with the Hearing and Sight Foundation. Need to arrange with the Daily Record meeting notices and speakers for the Events Calendar section of the newspaper.

The members agreed that the second meeting of each month will be dedicated to programs and each member has a responsibility to bring/invite a guest (potential member) to the club meeting.

4. Dues 2008.
A reminder, dues are due April 15th. At the last meeting, the dues were increased $10 to $75 to help cover meals for up-and-coming speakers at our second monthly meetings.

5. Invocation as an Agenda Item.
No discussion.

New Business

1. Ellensburg Lions Club Blog Site.
It is up and running. You can access the site at: The primary purpose of the Blog will be for internal communication for club members. Sarah would appreciate your help in visiting and providing information to the blog site.

2. MD 19 Convention, Yakima, May 23 & 24, Staff Table.
No discussion.

3. Officer Nominations for 2008-2009.
Nominations include the following: President: Sarah Storrs, Vice-President: Byron Thomas, Secretary/Treasurer: Dick Wedin, Tail Twister: Bob Wagner. Unless there are violent objections, these names will be submitted to International.

4. Club Policies.
No discussion.

5. White Cane Days: Chair, Supplies, Location, Times.
Lion Bryon is the Chair and has ordered supplies: canes and posters. He will be getting a proposed sign-up schedule out for folks to sign up for times they are available to be at Super 1. White Cane Days are Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4th.

Coming Events
a. White Cane Days: May 2, 3, 4
b. MD 19 Convention, May 23 & 24, Yakima, Yakima Convention Center
c. Indian John Hill Rest Stop, August 1st – 4th, Eastbound

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting: April 1st, noon, Palace Restaurant.
Agenda: Continued planning/action on Club Reincarnation.

Respectfully submitted,

Dick Wedin

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