Saturday, May 29, 2010

April 27, 2010 Minutes

Call to Order 12:05 pm – Lion President Sarah Storrs

Flag Salute – Lion Byron

Invocation – Lion Sarah Storrs

Introductions & Old Pennies—Lion Sarah Storrs
Members shared something that happened to them on the year of a penny they randomly drew.

Lions Present: Jennifer, Jaela, Byron, Doug, and Guest Chris

Old Business

White Cane Days – Lion Mark Grassel
o April 30-May 1, 2010
o Sign-up sheet
We still need people to sign up for Saturday Afternoon

Officer Training—Lion Sarah Storrs
o May 22, 2010; 9:00 AM-11:00 AM
Lion Sarah will be attending, contact her to carpool.

New Business

Selah Lions need our help!
o Selah Community Days parade on May 15th
o Helping to line up participants
o 7-10:00 am
Club is small and they need people to help start the parade, if you are interested contact ZC David Heath

MD19 Annual Convention
o May 13-15, 2010; Olympia, WA

Adjourn 12:55 pm

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