Saturday, May 29, 2010

April 13, 2010 Minutes

Call to Order 12:05 pm – Lion President Sarah Storrs

Flag Salute – Lion Byron Thomas

Invocation – Lion Liz Whitaker

Tail Twisting & Introductions—Tail Twister Lion Bob Titus

Lions present: Dick, Liz, Jennifer, Mark, Doug, Sarah, and guest Chris Hobbs

Treasurer’s Report—Lion Dick Wedin

Sight & Hearing Committee Report—Lion Sarah Storrs
• Hearing Aid for AG –Pt. was fit in hearing aid
• Cataract surgery for TM—done –Pt. is done with surgery
• 1 new requests for assistance—exam/glasses (haven’t heard back from 1 medical/patient assistance grant) 2 people were approved for exams and glasses

Old Business

White Cane Days – Lion Mark Grassel
o April 30-May 1, 2010
o Signup sheet- We still need people to sign up

Officer Elections- New positions start July 1st
o Vice President—Jennifer Crown
o Secretary/Treasurer—Liz Whitaker
o Recording Secretary—Jaela Peters
o Tail Twister—Bob Titus
o Still need nomination/volunteer for President- Sarah and Mark are to be Co- Presidents, they will split the meetings and responsibilities, Sarah will remain the main contact person for the club.

New Business

LHSU for 2010—Lion Liz Whitaker- We are unable to get the screening unit this year, will revisit doing it again next year

MD19 Annual Convention
o May 13-15, 2010; Olympia, WA

Discussed hosting an open house, to get new members, the LEMPR team can can come show us how to coordinate one to insure the best result.

$200 dollar donation to be made to Play it by ear
• Consider Club becoming a Chamber member?

Adjourn 12:55 pm

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