Friday, September 18, 2009

Eyelid common site for skin cancer, experts say.

California's San Gabriel Valley Tribune (9/18, Jansen) reports that the eyelid "is one of the most common sites for skin cancer, accounting for as much as 10 percent of all skin cancers. Left untreated," cancers there "could lead to significant injury and even blindness." The Skin Cancer Foundation explained that "with their delicate structure and greater exposure to the sun, the eyes and surrounding areas are particularly prone to cancers," and people who have "fair skin, light eyes," or "who are older have an increased risk of skin cancer and eye diseases." The "most common" form of cancer of the eyelid is "basal cell carcinoma." To prevent eyelid cancer, people should wear sunscreen, wear wide-brimmed hats, and "wear sunglasses with 99-100 percent UV protection year-round."

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