Monday, October 13, 2008

Minutes for 10/14/2008

Members: Doug, Sarah, Byron, Bob Wagner, Bob Titus, Mark, Cindi, Dick.
Guests: Gene Ketzenberg, VFW; Don Morris, VFW; Joan Wagner.

Call to Order – Lion President Sarah Storrs

Flag Salute – Lion Doug Rider

Invocation – Lion Byron Thomas

Introductions & Tail Twisting – Lion Bob Wagner

Approval of September 23rd Minutes: Approved.

Treasurer’s Report – Lion Dick Wedin
• Dues Account & Project Account balances
• Outstanding Exam/Glasses: 4 (2 exam/glasses; 2 glasses only)

Old Business

Mint Sale: Lion Bob Wagner

Sight & Hearing Committee: Lion Sarah Storrs
• Approved CH application for exam and glasses.
• Hope Source has declined to continue being a screening source
• Revised Provider Agreement – Sarah reported that the Provider Agreement has been revised;Family Eye Clinic signed, and an agreement has been mailed to Valley Vision Associates for signature

Play It By Ear Bunco Tournament: Lions Liz Whitaker & Sarah Storrs
• Saturday November 15th, 6:30-9:30 pm at St. Andrew’s Church (waived rental fee!)
• Sub-committees
o Co-Chairs: Need card tables. Bob Titus volunteered along with Byron, Dick (2) and Mark. May need more.
o Byron and Chris-promotion & tickets
1. 20 color fliers to be posted at businesses around town
2. Press releases submitted to Daily Record and Tribune 10/8/08
3. PSA applications to KXLE & KCWU 10/6/08
4. Email announcement with request to forward sent out to each Lion, SS’s Bunco group, others???
5. Tickets are here—asking each Lion to try and sell 5 tickets and were passed out to members.
o Mark-prizes
Donations from Family Eye Clinic, Avon gift basket, Pampered Chef. Mark will follow up with other organizations including Suncada for prizes.
o Cindy-refreshments: Need 12 dozen cookies. Dick, Cindi, Sarah, Mark volunteered.

Still looking for a Lion Tamer…

Promotional Items Needing Updating with New Meeting Days and/or Location
• Road sign update – Bob Titus and Wayne. No report.

Indian John Hill Rest Stop
• Date for 2009: July 4th weekend (July 3-6th). Members need to reserve the date to staff a shift or two. This is our main fund raiser and need full participation by members.

New Business

VFW Flag Presentation – Gene Ketzenberg & Don Morris.
American flag and mount were presented to the club. Arrangements have been made for the flag to remain at Rodeo City BBQ. The presentation was cheerfully accepted and is appreciated. Gene indicated that we should contact him to depose of any torn flags…for there is an accepted way of deposing of the American Flag which VFW performs on request.

Gene also indicated that the local VFW is hosting a turkey dinner, October 25, 6:00 p.m., at the First Lutheran Church. Cost is $10 per ticket or $25 per family. Real food, and proceeds go to a good cause.

Lions Health Screening Unit for Schools– Fall 2009• Committee: Liz, Doug, Dick, Bob T, Wayne.
• Application due November 30th. . More information at our second meeting in October.
• Liz will contact Bill Meehan about level of interest/dates; Include Cle Elum; Ellensburg Christian School also interested (Anna Ng).
• Marge Sheppard had suggested putting our request either immediately before or after West Valley/Tieton’s days (they are requesting last week of September); this may give us a weekend to do a public screening as well

Summary of 1st Zone Meeting
• Minutes were emailed out to club members
• Two main action items
o Zone Project: Collecting aluminum pull tabs for Spokane Ronald McDonald House
• Need a chair for this project (involves making collection containers, distributing them, and then emptying periodically)
• Tabs will be forwarded to Spokane Lions Club
• Need to separate the tab from the aluminum can or just collect the can and we can remove…since the Zone is collecting the tab, club can recycle the can.
• Zone needs to know the club contact person by October 20…any volunteers?
o Ellensburg will host Winter F1 Zone Meeting, Tuesday December 9th at Rodeo City BBQ 6:30 pm. Working on guest speaker from RMH Spokane. With a night meeting, the December 9th noon meeting was cancelled…no reason to have two meetings in one day.

Upcoming Programs
• Need a volunteer to serve as “Speaker Coordinator”
o This person will come up with program ideas (with club input), contact speakers, remind/confirm 1 week and 1 day ahead of time, make framed award certificates, introduce speaker and present award certificate at conclusion of program. Dick volunteered to coordinate.
• Current list:
o October 28th: Dale Larson, Kittitas County 4-H Program, Dick will confirm.
o November 11th: FISH Food Bank (Need to invite)
o December 9th : Zone Meeting by Ellensburg Lions, 6:30 p.m., Rodeo City BBQ. Need attendance. Potential speaker from Ronald McDonald House Spokane (Sarah is arranging).

Ellensburg Charm Trail-Sarah Storrs
• Program sponsored by Chamber of Commerce & Downtown Association
• Purchase a bracelet from CC, & get a map to businesses that have charms; cost public ~$1 each
• Enrollment fee ($75), minimum 144 charms to get started (~$75)
• Sarah is signing up Family Eye Clinic & am willing to “piggy-back” the Lions club with a second charm (Lions club would pay for the charms—proceeds would come back to the club). Motion approved for the Lions club to participate.


Next Meeting: Tuesday October 28th
Speaker: Dale Larson/4-H

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