Thursday, June 12, 2008

Meeting Minutes for June 10th, 2008

Attendance: Sarah Storrs, Bob Wagner, Wayne Weidert, Dick Wedin, Bob Titus, Byron Thomas, Doug Rider

Guests: Joan Wagner, Dale Larson

Treasurer Report. Approved.

Previous Meeting Minutes. Approved.

Club Projects

1. Mint Sales.
Bob indicated we have mint sale boxes at Yakima Federal, Bar 14 and two boxes with Family Eye Clinic. New sites include Cashmere Valley Bank and the Chamber of Commerce. Bob and Dick will visit Perkins and Sterling Bank for additional sites.

2. Sight and Hearing Committee.
No new applications for exams or frames.

3. Membership.
Handed out membership applications. Dick will go to the Copy Shop and have brochures folded.

Old Business

1. February 26th Planning Meeting Review & Action Plan.
Bob has completed the web-site and is up and operating. The site is

2. Guest Speakers & Program Suggestions & Scheduling.
Sarah handed out a proposed program schedule. Discussion included the following:
June 24 meeting: Tim Morehouse/Hearing Aid Fitting Process
July 22 meeting: Kittitas County Search & Rescue/ TBA
Aug 26 meeting: Roylene Crawford Rodeo City Kiwanis Breakfast Fund Raiser
Sept 23 meeting: Michelle Williams/Kittitas County Parent-2-Parent Programs
Oct 28 meeting: Dale Larson, Kittitas County 4-H Program
Nov 11 meeting: Invite New County Commissioners/TBA
Dec 9 Meeting: FISH Food Bank/TBA
Group decided to hand out a Certificate of Appreciation to speakers who are invited to present programs. Sarah will develop a Certificate for the group to review.

New Business

1. New Member & Officer Induction.
Bill Sheperd will attend the June 24th meeting to induct Liz Whitaker (and any other new member between now and then) and the club officers. Since Rodeo City BBQ will be closed then due to vacations, Dick will check with the Wings Central’s Roadhouse Grill (101 Umptanum Road, 925-7200) to see if room is available for our June 24th meeting. Dick will let folks know and Bob Wagner will contact Bill Sheperd.

2. Indian John Hill.
The sign-up sheet for Indian John Hill rest stop was distributed. Wayne will e-mail schedule out to members to sign-up for particular times once they have a chance to review their calendars. Need a project chair; may need to coordinate with Rodeo City Kiwanis.

3. Meeting Place Plaque.
Wayne will get a new plaque to hang at Rodeo City BBQ reflecting the new meeting dates: second and fourth Tuesdays.

4. Club Screening Forms.
There is a concern that 3rd party screeners are not screening eye glass exam/glasses request thoroughly enough or on the club’s behalf…since there has been approximately 3 patients out of the dozen or so who had insurance. The screening committee will review the applications and make the necessary corrections to ensure the club is funding those who meet our intent. Sarah, Bob Titus and Byron Thomas will meet, change, and present new forms at the next meeting.

There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting: June 24, noon, Roadhouse Grill???.
Agenda: Tim Morehouse/Hearing Aid Fitting Process
New Member & Officer Induction

Coming Events
a. August 1st – 4th, Indian John Hill Rest Stop fund raiser, Eastbound

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