Sunday, March 22, 2009

Your Summit Awaits

This was shown at the leadership work-shop. It's a 20-minute film about the lessons learned in the quest of one climber to reach the summit of Mount Everest. I really got a lot out of it, and I think you will, too.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Highlights from District F Spring Conference

A brief summary of what went on at the conference over the weekend...

Leadership 101. Lion Sarah Storrs (me) attended--thank you to the club for supporting my registration. I got a lot of tips on how to improve our meetings, the importance of having some sort of orientation for new members, and how to be a more confident speaker. This workshop was well worth the time I spent--I highly recommend it to any other members.

Election Results.
District Governor (DG): Kay Metz
Vice District Governor (VDG): Erma Kemp
District F Trustee for NLF for Sight and Hearing: Marge Sheppard was re-elected
F1 Zone Chairman (ZC): David Heath was nominated and accepted for a second year term (ZC can only serve two consecutive terms--next year somebody new will have to be elected)

LERC. Donated another box of glasses (approx 50 pairs--box included soft cases). LERC is receiving an award for top recycler from Central Washington Recycle. Spoke with director John Kirry about possibility of doing more with the glasses prior to sending on (sorting, neutralizing) to LERC. He will get back to me with more information.

Fishing Booth at Fun Night. While not a huge fundraiser for the club, we did accomplish a good amount of fun and fellowship. Several of the Leos from Washington Middle School helped with set-up and take-down. Four Terrace Heights Lions were on hand to help with fishing and they had a ring toss game.

Webpage Award. "Tales from the Den" received the runner-up award in the district F webpage contest.

Another Award...ask me about this at our next meeting.

Raffle Drawing. One of the clubs from northern ID won the train trip (rumor has it they are planning on using it as a prize for a club fund-raiser, so there may be another shot at it down the road).

Terrace Heights Lions who came to help out...(L to R) Lions Norma Baird, Dave Key, Karla Ward, and Bob Washburn.

Leos from Washington Middle School.

Lion Lonnie Morgan from West Valley had fun with his prize.

A couple of kids enjoying our fish pond.

Minutes for March 10th Meeting

Attendance: Sarah, Wayne, Dick, Bob, Byron, Doug, and Liz.

Call to Order – Lion President Sarah Storrs
Flag Salute – Lion Wayne Weidert
Invocation – Lion Dick Wedin
Introductions & Tail Twisting – Lion Bob Titus
Approval of February 24th Minutes –Lion Dick Wedin
Treasurer’s Report – Lion Dick Wedin
• Dues Account & Project Account balances
• Outstanding Eye Care Applications: Maybe 3
• Outstanding Hearing Aid Application: 1, pending on Kiwanis Club reply

Old Business

Highlights of Feb 25th Zone Meeting —Lion Sarah Storrs
• Spring Conference March 20-21 in Yakima. Continue selling raffle tickets. Registration $ due 3/13/09. Leadership course 3/2/09 still had some spots available.
• “Ending date” for RMH Pull-tab Zone Project is 3/21/09. Please drop off all collected tabs at Family Eye Clinic by Thursday, March 19th. Clubs can continue to collect tabs indefinitely. Need to have collected tabs to Sarah by March 19th.
• Officer Elections: must take place by mid-April, as PU101 and former PU19 must be submitted to MD19 by 4/30/09. No action
• District F NLF Sight and Hearing Trustee position is up for election (Marge Sheppard incumbent). Nominations taken at District Meeting during Spring Conference in March.
• Zone chair also up for re-election. Vote will happen at Zone Meeting at Spring Conference.
• Club Announcements: West Valley 45th Anniversary Dinner 3/19/09; Chinook Pass ATV Poker Run in June.

District 19 F Spring Conference —Lion Sarah Storrs
• Club hosting fishing booth. Have recruited one volunteer from TH Lions Club to help set up and run booth in exchange for 25% net profits.

Mints & Scouts —Lion Byron Thomas.
• The scout pack is growing and rolling along. Byron has been and will continue to attend committee meetings on the Lions Club behalf.
• Byron will be collecting monies and replenishing mints on Fridays. Mark has been collecting money and replenishing the mints at Perkins twice a week…busy.

White Cane Days May 1-2 —Lion Doug Ryder
• Doug ordered White Cane supplies. Will contact Super 1 for event. At the April 19th meeting, Doug will bring supplies for lick and stick party.

Lions Health Screening Unit for Schools–10/16/2009 —Lion Liz Whitaker
• Need to decide which school(s), if LHSU can move during day or not
• Public Screening 10/17/09?
• Cost of LHSU $150/day + driver meals/lodging
• Liz will follow up.

Hearing Aid Application —Lion Sarah Storrs
• On hold, pending Kiwanis response. Sarah will follow up with Mark as to response. Looking at a $70 co-pay to make it happen.

New Business

Indian John Hill Fundraiser —Lion Sarah Storrs
• July 3 8:00 am –7 8:00 am (?)—confirm stop time w/ Dick
• Wayne volunteered to be chair
• Byron will contact scouts about staffing a shift, preferably day shift on Saturday or Sunday. Dick will get ahold of Rodeo City Kiwanis about helping out this year.

Planning Session —Lion Sarah Storrs
No action on questions posed below. We will need to discuss at future meetings as an agenda item.
• What is our focus?
• What are some things we would like to accomplish?
• Projected Revenue/Expenditures
• Income Sources

o Indian John Hill
o Mints
o Tail-Twisting
o Play It By Ear Bunco (Portion stays in the club; if we do it again)
o Tshirts (One-time)
o Lion Charms
o White Cane Days (all goes to NLF)
o Another fundraiser???
• Expenditures
o Eye exams/glasses
o Hearing Aids
o Grant sponsorships (potentially)
o Supplies for IJH, Bunco, Tshirts
o VFW Support
o P2P Support (undetermined dollar amount)
o FISH Support
o Scout Den
• Current Projects
o Eyeglass recycling
o Mints
o RMH Pull-tabs
o Scout Den
o Eye Exams
o White Cane Days
o Play It By Ear
o Hearing Aids?


Upcoming Speakers
3/24 Jenny Carkner, KC Chapter American Red Cross
4/28 Gary Nystad, Solar Energy Project

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Recycled Glasses Delivered to NW LERC

Last week, Ellensburg Lions Club donated all the used glasses we had been stock-pileing to the Northwest Lions Eye Glasses Recycling Center. We donated 2 large boxes full of glasses--at least 200 pairs total.

One of the most exciting things about LERC is that the range of items they accept for recycline is much wider than some of the other clubs and mission trips we've donated to in the past. LERC accepts everything except for loose lenses, hard cases, and broken plastic frames.

If you are interested in reading more about the NW LERC, visit them at