Meeting called to order at 12:00 noon
Members Present: Sarah Storrs, Bob Titus, Liz Whitaker, Bob Wagner, Cindy Preston
Guests: District Governor Melba Fujiura, 2nd Lion from Sunnyside Lions Club, Zone Chairman David Heath, Sergeant Fred Slyfield, Joan Wagner
Program: Sergeant Slyfield gave a 30 minute presentation on the organization and activities of Kittitas County Search and Rescue.
Old Business
Indian John Hill Rest Stop – August 1st-4th
• Sign-up sheet was circulated again (an updated version is attached). Current openings are Midnight-6 am Saturday and Sunday, 2 people needed each shift; Noon-6 pm and 6 pm-Midnight on Saturday need 1 person each shift
• Mark Grassel will be purchasing supplies; Bob Wagner will follow up with VFW on donated cookies
• Kiwanis involvement: currently 2 Kiwanis members are signed up for the 6 pm-midnight shift on Sunday
• A written agreement acknowledging the division of proceeds (attached) has been prepared, to be signed by a representative from each club
New Business
VFW Memorial
• Bob Wagner made a motion to donate $1000 to the VFW towards the Memorial at the City Pool, to be paid in four yearly installments of $250 each. $1000 amount proposed because that is the amount needed to get the club name on a plaque at the memorial.
• Motion was seconded by Cindy Preston.
• Discussion of the motion included members wanting to wait and see the Indian John Hill fundraiser proceeds and preparing at least a rough budget for the next year prior to a vote.
• Motion tabled until the next meeting.
Play It By Ear Bunco Tournament Fundraiser
• Sarah Storrs presented idea of a combination fundraiser/awareness of hearing impairment. Tickets would be sold in advance for $10-20. The second half of the tournament, participants would randomly have to wear unilateral or bilateral ear plugs and/or earmuffs to simulate different levels of hearing loss. Part of the ticket money would be used for prizes (or community donated prizes?); half the proceeds would go towards the club’s “Play It By Ear” donation and the other half would be used by the club for hearing projects.
• Discussion of feasibility of hosting bunco tournament in conjunction with a dinner. Possibility of brining in more money, but this would require a location that has a kitchen in addition to at least one member obtaining a food handler’s permit. General consensus was to serve a dessert snack and beverage.
• Saturday October 4th was selected as the tentative date. Liz Whitaker will contact St Andrews, Sarah Storrs will contact the PUD as possible locations. Project Chair TBA (Volunteers will be gladly accepted).
Meeting Adjourned 1:00 pm
• Next business meeting August 12th
• Next program meeting August 26th Roylene Crawford, Rodeo City Kiwanis Breakfasts & Chamber of Commerce