Attendance: Sarah Storrs, Bob Wagner, Wayne Weidert, Dick Wedin, Bob Titus.
Guests: Liz Whittaker and Joan Wagner
Treasurer Report. Dues account & account balance
Outstanding Eye Exams/Frames: One
Previous Meeting Summary. Approved.
Club Projects 1. Mint Sales. Bob indicated we have mint sale boxes at Yakima Federal, Bar 14 and two boxes with Family Eye Clinic. Framed Certificates of Appreciation were given to Bob Wagner to give for participating businesses. Dick volunteered to work with Bob on getting more boxes out to businesses...such as Perkins, Cashmere Valley Bank, Chamber of Commerce, Valley Vision Associates.
2. Sight and Hearing Committee. No new applications for exams or frames.
Old Business 1. February 26th Planning Meeting Review & Action Plan. Bob Titus handed out a draft Club brochure for comment. Need some Club history to include in the brochure. Hopefully, be ready for use by next meeting. Good job. Discussion also included the web-site Bob is putting together. It was agreed that the web-site would be the primary source for external information for the club…the Blog site would be for internal discussions and information.
2. New Meeting Location & Times. For clarification, the change in meeting time from the second and fourth Tuesdays, noon, and location at Rodeo City BBQ will start with the second meeting in May. So the meeting schedule for May is May 6th and May 27th. We will need to change meeting date signs at both I-90 interchanges.
3. Guest Speakers & Program Suggestions & Scheduling. Bob Wagner has contacted Marge Sheperd and will be the featured speaker at our April 15th meeting. Bob will find out about VFW speakers for our May meeting as well as Sarah will see if there is someone to present a program on mental health since May is mental health month.
4. Dues 2008.Most members have paid their 2008 dues. Unfortunately, received a letter from Norm Butler dropping his membership…he sent a $50 check for the club to distribute anyway it wishes, it was deposited in the Dues Account. Dick will contact John Boys-Smith to see if he would still wants to be a member.
5. Invocation as an Agenda Item.Tabled.
6. White Cane Days: Chair, Supplies, Location, Times. Lion Bryon is the Chair and has ordered supplies: canes and posters. White Cane Days are Friday, May 2 through Sunday, May 4th at Super 1. Sarah passed around a sign-up sheet. It was agreed to have a “paste on the sticky to the white cane” get together April 22, 5:00 to 5:30, City Hall. Wayne will arrange a meeting room. This get together is to put the white canes together for distribution on White Cane Days...sounds appropriate.
7. Ellensburg Lions Club Blog Site.It is up and running. . You can access the site at: The primary purpose of the Blog will be for internal communication for club members. Sarah will provide a link to other Lions Club sites. For security, Sarah will provide a password for members to access.
8. Officer Nominations for 2008-2009. Nominations include the following: President: Sarah Keys, Vice-President: Byron Thomas, Secretary/Treasurer: Dick Wedin, Tail Twister: Bob Wagner. Nominations will be submitted to International the end of April.
New Business 1. MD 19 Convention, Yakima, May 23 & 24, Staff Table. Bob Wagner will be attending. Voting delegate information was handed to Bob for his use. Bob will find out how much time is involved in staffing a table on Friday and Saturday and will let us know.
2. Ed Foundation Annual Meeting.Monday, April 28, 7:00 to 9:00 pm, Heritage Center at the fairgrounds will be the site for the Ellensburg School District Education Foundation annual meeting. It is a wine and dessert function with no charge for attending. Lions has annually sponsored a table for the function at $100. Moved to sponsor a table and passed the hat to help cover the $100 to minimize impact to the Project Account.
3. Club Policies: Prices for Hats. Vests; New membership fee?No discussion.
Announcements. Sarah announced that she will be meeting with Alex a representative from the Hearing and Sight Foundation on April 9th, noon, at CCThai behind the Safeway store in Cle Elum. If you would like to attend, please call Sarah.
Sarah was contacted by Dave Heath, Naches Lions Club, who will be attending our May 6th meeting to discuss Campaign Sight First.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned.
Next Meeting: April 15st, noon, Palace Restaurant. Agenda: Program: Marge Sheperd, Hearing & Sight Foundation
Coming Events a. May 2, 3, 4; White Cane Days at Super 1.
b. May 23 & 24, MD 19 Annual Convention, Yakima, Yakima Convention Center
c. August 1st – 4th, Indian John Hill Rest Stop fund raiser, Eastbound
Respectfully submitted,
Dick Wedin